Policies and Procedures

Confidentiality Policy

a Under no circumstances should information relating to any child cared for by Thank Evans be disclosed or discussed with anyone other than the Client or the Employee/Applicant or Thank Evans involved without proper authority being obtained first.

b. Under no circumstances should personal or confidential information relating to any Thank Evans Employee be disclosed to or discussed with anyone other than the Client or Thank Evans without proper authority being obtained first.

c. Anyone requesting information of a confidential or delicate nature should direct their queries to Thank Evans only.

d.All Client contact details released to Employees/Applicants are done so in confidence and should be treated as such. They should be kept in an accessible but secure manner, especially details regarding the children in Thank Evansā€™ care.

e. Employee contact details are never provided to the Client by Thank Evans, however, the Employee is asked to provide them personally to the Client in case of emergencies or urgent contacts. All Employee/Applicant contact details released to Clients by the Employee are done so in confidence and should be treated as such. These contacts must not be passed on to any third party. The third party should be directed to contact Thank Evans personally.

Failure by the Client to comply with clause 8e) will result in the relevant fees being charged to the Client responsible for the passing on of Employee/Applicant contact details as is stated in Thank Evansā€™ Terms of Business.

Failure by an Employee to comply with any section of this policy could result in disciplinary procedures being implemented.

Staff Recruitment, Selection and Retention

When Applicants call Thank Evans, we take basic details (including a description of past experience with caring for children and the level of qualification/s obtained, if applicable) and send them an application pack consisting of an application form, an information letter explaining how our service works and a list of the items we need to see at interview.

If the Applicant is suitable upon return of the form, we will call to arrange an interview. The interview consists of reading through the application form together, discussing past experience/qualifications, verifying ID, photocopying any documents supplied, asking questions to assess exactly what the Applicant is looking for from their employment, the completing of a Protection of Vulnerable Groups Membership form (for which the applicant is responsible for paying) and a general discussion about the Applicantā€™s aims and desires with the purpose of discovering whether they are suitable for Thank Evans.

We ask for the names and contact details of at least two referees, from whom we can obtain written references, one of whom must be the current or last employer and one of whom must be a childcare reference. We ask for contact details of all employments over the last five years and any colleges attended so we can verify the details supplied on the application. We ask for the details of their GP so we can obtain a letter, upon an offer of employment, either giving a clean bill of health or stating anything we may need to know with regards to employing the Applicant in a childcare position.

We request the written references, send away theĀ PVGĀ form and inform the Applicant that they are unable to start positions until we have received these back. We call colleges and past employers, where applicable, to verify that the Applicant did attend the courses and employments stated.

We then put them in touch with any Clients with suitable positions, so they can also interview the Applicant and decide whether s/he is the right person for their family. The Clients are advised that the assessment procedure may still be in progress and that they should therefore not leave the Applicant in sole charge of their children at any point during the interview. The Clients then make a decision as to which Applicant they prefer, and when the assessment procedure is complete and satisfactory, will we allow the Applicant to take up the position.